Digital Partnership for Cybersecurity and Resilience in Regions


Piret Urb

Piret Urb

Director of International Relations
Information System Authority (RIA)
Republic of Estonia Estonia, flag

Ms Urb joined the Information System Authority (RIA) in 2018 after having served her country as a career-diplomat for 16 years. In RIA, the government institution that forms the heart of digital Estonia, Ms Urb manages the foreign relations with the main partners and all world while also ensuring the coherence of the foreign and the defense policy priorities of the Government with the Authority.

Presentation abstract:
Overview of Estonia’s digital journey since 2000 emphasizing the most significant or influential achievements that have been the game changers on our path towards more transparent and citizen-friendly society. And I bring out the current challenges (HR, etc) that we face at the moment.

Tõnu Tammer

Tõnu Tammer

Executive Director of CERT-EE
Information System Authority (RIA)
Republic of Estonia Estonia, flag

Since June 2018 Tõnu has worked as the Executive Director of CERT-EE (national CERT of the country). He has made his primary goal to make Estonia as resilient as possible to any form of cyberattacks.
He has worked for the government for over 13 years, most of that time in Home Affairs. During his time working for the IT agency of the Ministry of Interior he held the following positions: Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Quality Officer dealing with the long-term strategic planning and finances of IT systems and their quality.

Radovan Igliar

Radovan Igliar

Deputy director for Service delivery at CESNET
Czech national science and education network operator
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Radovan Igliar is the Deputy director for Service delivery at CESNET - Czech national science and education network operator. CESNET is providing Network, Compute, Storage, Multimedia, AAI and Security services to Academic, Health, Government, Research, and Public sector in Czech republic.

Richard Kadlčák

Richard Kadlčák

Special Envoy for Cyber Space
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Mathematician and economist by education, has been in the service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic since 1998, serving now as a Special Envoy for Cyber Space (since 2016) and a Head of Cyber Security Department.
His previous career at the MFA includes the post of Czech Ambassador to Estonia (2012 – 2016), a long-standing service in the Department of the Coordination of EU Policies or a mission to the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the EU (COREPER I).

Andrea Kropáčová

Andrea Kropáčová

Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Andrea began her career as a network administrator, manager of network services and occasional programmer in the CESNET association. From there it was just a small step to network and services security, cybersecurity and subsequently to the issue of CERT/CSIRT teams. In 2004, she assembled the first CSIRT team in the Czech Republic officially recognised by the worldwide security community, the team CESNET-CERTS, which operates in the CESNET national research network. Experience with the creation of this academic team helped her and her team with the building of CSIRT.CZ team, which fulfills the role of National CSIRT team of the Czech Republic since 2011. Andrea also initiated the establishment of FLAB, Forensic Laboratory, in CESNET which was begun in 2011 and today represents one of the security expert units in CESNET.
Andrea's role currently consists primarily of developing security strategy in CESNET, security services and tools, ensuring national and international communication and cooperation. Last but not least, in the role of Cyber Security Manager, she successfully led CESNET to obtain ISO 27000 certification in 2018.

Martin Kunc

Martin Kunc

Security Analyst in a national CSIRT.CZ team
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Martin works as a Security Analyst in a national CSIRT.CZ team run by CZ.NIC. Currently the main tasks include penetration testing, incident handling, stress testing and honeypots. Thanks to his involvement with honeypots he joined a team researching DGA botnets.

Presentation abstract:
National CSIRT team of Czech Republic - CSIRT.CZ is based in CZ.NIC company. Since CZ.NIC operates the .cz domain registry we have access to vast amount of anonymized data from DNS queries to our authoritative DNS servers as well as ODVR (open DNSSEC validating resolvers). Thanks to cooperation with CZ.NIC Labs we managed to predict (ML) and register a DGA domain, and point it to our server. Within few hours we managed to collect almost 4000 unique IP addresses of devices infected with qsnatch malware and inform the relevant parties about the incident.

Tural Mammadov

Tural Mammadov

Chief Information Security Officer
Special Communication and Information Security State Service of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan Azerbaijan, flag

Tural Mammadov is the Chief Information Security Officer at Special Communication and Information Security State Service of Azerbaijan and Secretary of the Coordination Commission for Information Security of Azerbaijan Republic. He has experience for more than 10 years as a head of Government CERT(CERT.GOV.AZ),Cyber Security, International Relations, Research and IT governance. Tural is currently pursuing his PHD on the topic "The Information Security in Critical Infrastructures". Mr. Mammadov works as an Editor in Chief of Information Security Journal since 2015. He is also in Board of Directors of OIC-CERT since 2016.

Ovidiu Raetchi

Ovidiu Raetchi

Head of the Euro-Atlantic Center for Resilience
Romania Romania, flag

President of the Euro-Atlantic Resilience Centre (E-ARC), a research institute established by the Romanian MFA in 2021. Apart from advancing substantive research and analysis on resilience,his mandate is also concentrating efforts on transforming the Centre into an international organization by attracting expertise both from NATO/EU member countries, and from partner countries.

Shahid Raza

Shahid Raza

Director of Cybersecurity Unit at RISE
Sweden Sweden, flag

Director of Cybersecurity at RISE where he leads a team of 20 technical security experts. He is also the founder and leader of RISE Cyber Range, a unique cybersecurity test and demo arena in Kista, Stockholm. Shahid’s primary research interest is all aspects of IoT security; only in the last two years he has received over 1500 citations on his research work on IoT security, published in prestigious journals and conferences of the area. Shahid holds a Master of Science in cybersecurity from KTH (2009) and an industrial PhD degree from Mälardalen University for this work on IoT security at RISE (2013). Shahid is also an Associate Professor (Docent) in Uppsala University where he has four PhD students as the main supervisor.

David Sakhvadze

David Sakhvadze

Director of Information and Cybersecurity Department Office of the National Security Council of Georgia
Georgia Azerbaijan, flag

David Sakhvadze has worked for years for the Georgian Governmental Agencies, including The Office of State Minister for Reconciliation, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Georgian Embassy in I.R.Iran. For the last 3 years, he works for the Office of the National Security Council of Georgia, earlier as a Senior Adviser, and currently as the Director of Information and Cybersecurity Department.
David Sakhvadze holds degrees in Physics and International Relations from the Georgian and US Universities. He also attended the Global Strategy Programme at the UK Royal College of Defense Studies (RCDS).

Jakub Urbanec

Jakub Urbanec

Senior Cyber Defense Researcher at Trend Micro
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Starting from 1997, Jakub Urbanec worked in the IT, from 2000 focused on the infrastructure and information security. Since June 2007, he was working on various projects as an Information Systems Architect for Technology Services unit of Hewlett-Packard, Czech Republic. His focus was on developing and delivering enterprise security solutions in information management and monitoring systems. Cybersecurity and proposed cyber security legislative is another area of his interest – from the last ethernet frame to official comments on the proposed Czech Cyber Security Act. In 2017 he started working for Trend Micro as Cyber Defense Researcher.
Profile [pdf], LinkedIn

Presentation abstract:
Your organisation does not need to be attacked directly. There are other mysterious ways to attack it - and we will focus on one of the increasingly popular way these days - the supply chain attacks. Is there a simple, cheap and quick solution to mitigate these attacks? Spoiler alert: No. But don't let that cool you off - let's have fun at someone else's expense. And don't worry - I am not going to sell you anything, I promise.

Eric Mao

Mao, Eric, Ching Hao

Taiwan Cybersecurity Foundry Company, CEO
Taiwan Taiwan, flag

Education: Ph.D. Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, NTUST

  • Director General of CSTI, Institute for Information Industry.
  • Visiting professor, Carnegie Mellon University scholar(2008)
Presentation abstract - TW hSOC system:
The speech talks about how to build up the system of HSOC(Hospital Security Operation Center) and HISAC, Health Information Sharing and Analysis Center and what effectivities to the small and medium hospitals.

Presentation abstract - Financial model of hSOC system:
Based on the case of Taiwan, the speech covers how to operate the hSOC and how to invite hospitals to register as memebers.

Meruzhan Antonayan

Meruzhan Antonyan

Cybersecurity expert of the Digitalization Department of the Ministry of High-Tech of the Republic of Armenia
Armenia Armenia, flag

Meruzhan Antonyan is a Cybersecurity expert of the Digitalization Department of the Ministry of High-Tech of the Republic of Armenia working at the same time as a Cybersecurity analyst at Cybereason.
Formerly, through the VIE programme an Information Security Officer at Dassault Systèmes in Tokyo, Japan, and a permanent SecOps engineer at Dassault Systèmes, Paris, France.

Serhii Prokopenko

Serhii Prokopenko

Head of Operations Department, National Cybersecurity Coordination Center
Ukraine Ukraine, flag

Mr. Serhii Prokopenko is the Head of NCSCC Operations Dept. - Deputy Head of Information Security and Cybersecurity Directorate at the Staff of the NSDC of Ukraine.
Established in 2016 National Cybersecurity Coordination Center (NCSCC) plays an important role in Ukrainian Cybersecurity system as the national coordinator and analytical center for current and emerging cyberthreats.
In 2021 NCSCC developed the new Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine and its Implementation Plan, that were enacted by the Decrees of the President of Ukraine, initiated the formation of Ukrainian Cyber Forces, organized strategic table-top exercises for high-level officials.
In his position Serhii is responsible for coordination of all the stakeholders, developing the NCSCC’s analytical technological platform, improvement of CTI exchange and sharing mechanisms, organization of training programs for specialists from public sector and critical infrastructures, building public-private partnership, international cooperation, control of the Cybersecurity Strategy implementation plan.
He has 20-years’ experience in cybersecurity, incident response, digital forensics, cyber threat intelligence, cybercrime investigations, development of enterprise cybersecurity systems.

Raluca Stefanuc

Raluca Stefanuc

Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy Unit, DG CONNECT, European Commission
EU EU, flag

Policy officer working in the European Commission, DG CONNECT, on cybersecurity policies. Her work focuses more specifically on legislative files. She is a coordinator of the team covering the Cyber Resilience Act proposal. She is also part of the team covering the NIS Directive and the upcoming reviewed NIS2 Directive. Previous to DG CONNECT, she has worked as an antitrust case handler in DG COMP in the IT, Internet and Consumer electronics sector.

Franck Olivier

Franck Olivier

Digital project manager at Grand Est region
France France, flag

Graduated in Business administration and international relations, Franck Olivier has dedicated his professionnal life to the development of digital economy.
He worked with french Chambers of Commerce and Industry to enhanced digital appropriation amongst SME and assisted Paris region public actors to cope with Web2.0 strategies.
In Strasbourg, he has created and developed a Boot camp to struggle with the need of web developers in Grand Est Region.
He is now in charge of digital economy at Grand Est regional council. This implies public policies to support enterprises digital transformation, including cybersecurity, and to help the regional digital sector get organized.

Ondřej Nekovář

Ondřej Nekovář

State Treasury Shared Services Centre, CISO
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

At the moment, he works as CISO in the critical information structure of the State Treasury Shared Services Centre, where he and his team provide cyber and information security for the national data centre of the Ministry of Finance, an element of the critical information infrastructure. His other role is Chief De-ception Officer (CDO), where he is responsible for the strategic development of active cybersecurity elements. He also specializes in cybersecurity legislation, cloud computing and active defense issues.

Presentation abstract:
As a provider of Ministry of Finance‘s private cloud services and the intended provider of the government part of the eGovernment cloud, the cybersecurity is our biggest challenge. It's not just the Ukraine-Russia hybrid conflict that has convinced us of the need to prepare to potential attacks on our perimeter. And setting the mind to active cyber defense attitude. As part of this preparation, emphasis is needed on threat intelligence, attack surface definition, adversary emulation, harde-ning of detection rules and above all the continuous security testing.

Petr Seifert

Petr Seifert

Education Unit team leader, NÚKIB
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Petr Seifert is the NÚKIB´s Education Unit team leader responsible for the cybersecurity prevention and education. Additionally, he represents NÚKIB in the area of the development of the National Register of Occupation and National Register of Qualification.

Presentation abstract:
Presentation deals with the NÚKIB´s perspective of the Czech cybersecurity experts education system. NÚKIB will present its point of view on the setup, capacity, flexibility and capability of the system. The goal is to present and discuss current situation and ways and means to improve the state of the cybersecurity by increase of the number of cybersecurity experts.

Jan Marian

Jan Marian

Special Envoy for Eastern Partnership, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Jan Marian is the Special Envoy for the Eastern Partnership at the MFA of Czechia. He served as Acting Director of Communications before taking up this position.
Jan was Strategic Communications Coordinator at the MFA in 2019-2022. He took a short-term posting at the Czech Embassy in Moscow in 2021.
Between 2014 and 2018 he was posted at the Czech Permanent Representation to the EU in Brussels where he covered Eastern Europe and Central Asia.
Before joining the Foreign Ministry in 2008, Jan worked for several Czech NGOs and think-tanks, such as the Association for International Affairs, People in Need, Civic Belarus, and the Prague Security Studies Institute.
He studied International Studies and Russian and Eastern European Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague, with study stays in the United Kingdom and Russia.

Tomáš Müller

Tomáš Müller

Director of ICT division, Optokon, a.s.
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Presentation abstract:
OPTOKON, a.s. will briefly introduce OPTOKON group as a traditional manufacturer and supplier of passive and active IT technologies and services. Next they will introduce their solution for recent security challenges in such areas as physical, operational and cyber security. At the end will be presented OPTOKON´s own concept of social responsibility given by the current security situation; its activities in the form of supporting additional forms of education with an emphasis on the young generation for the benefit of the defense and security of our society.

Vítězslav Schrek

Vítězslav Schrek

President of the Vysočina Region
Czech Republic Czechia, flag


Jan Břížďala

Jan Břížďala

Member of the Council of the Vysočina Region for Education, Youth and Sport, and ICT
Czech Republic Czechia, flag


Petr Pavlinec

Petr Pavlinec

Head of the IT Department
Vysočina Region
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Klára Jiráková

Klára Jiráková

Coordinator of IT projects, IT Department
Vysočina Region
Czech Republic Czechia, flag

Kraj Vysočina, Žižkova 57, 587 33 Jihlava, 2002–2014