In the sphere of information technology and information promulgation (informatics), the Vysočina Region is generally considered to be the leader amongst the Czech regions. The Region’s priorities include, in particular, support for infrastructure development, both direct and indirect, through constant intensification of public awareness of the benefits of new technologies. Another priority is development of electronic services that improve the effectiveness and openness of public administration processes in the Region. Regional, national, and international partnerships play a positive role in the quality and timelessness of projects implemented as part of information and communication technologies development. Good examples of a meaningful international cooperation are, for instance, the ICHNOS or IANIS+ projects, in which the Vysočina Region participated successfully in 2006.
The Region has successfully completed implementation of the Jihlava metropolitan network that links the hospital, the schools, and regional field offices, as well as the regional backbone network – ROWANet. Similar support has been given to facilitation of data exchange amongst the Integrated Rescue System’s individual units, i.e., firemen, police, and medical rescue services.
The most visible result of the Region’s efforts in this sphere is the region’s website, which has gradually grown to the point of becoming a good and user-friendly information portal containing practically all information that the Region can provide.