About one third of Vysočina’s woods consist of spruce or, rather, spruce monoculture. This relatively high share of coniferous trees slowed down the thawing process in the spring of 2006, thus mitigating the impact of spring flooding. In forests with mostly deciduous trees, the spring thaw is much faster. Deep spruce forests, on the contrary, hold water very well as they do not allow the snow to thaw too quickly, so that spring flooding is far more moderate.
Table – Forest coverage in Vysočina by district as of 1. 4. 2005
Table – Share of coniferous and deciduous forests in Vysočina
Graph – Percentage share of woods in Vysočina forests by age class
Vysočina has 617,482 hectares of hunting grounds. Foresters use 522 recognized hunts, thereof 16 game preserves and 27 pheasantries. 2,719 hunting dogs help them with their work
Table – Status of game in Vysočina (as of 31. 3. 2006)
Note: Numerical data in Chapter “Agriculture, Forestry, and Hydrology Water Management” are from 2005, unless another date is specified.