Financing of services not administered by the Region, in CZK‘000
(specifying the source budget by service type, regional subsidies, and certain other
important revenue sources)
Service type MPS V* 2006 Another state admin. 2006 User 2006 Vysočina Region 2006 Budget 2006
Weekly nursing centers 0 2,389 592 299 8,581
Interpreting services 314 6 0 0 472
Emergency care 918 0 397 157 3,519
Social rehabilitation 1,505 0 250 594 3,740
Social consultancy 5,522 0 515 1,621 11,187
Social therapeutic workshops 518 0 0 155 765
Social activation services for seniors and handicapped persons 1,035 0 15 206 2,635
Social activation services for families with children 350 86 0 20 796
Extended-care services 1,137 0 0 399 1,878
Early care services 1,345 0 0 550 2,649
Home care services 10,282 0 21,518 12,328 105,506
Personal assistance 4,140 100 1,020 1,353 10,843
Facilitation services 431 0 0 475 1,800
Low-doorstep centers for children and youths 6,011 744 14 2,506 17,361
Crisis assistance 0 0 0 0 840
Contact centers 1,614 100 0 1,103 5,749
Protected housing 1,117 0 171 258 1,951
Half-way homes 523 0 80 57 1,005
Special-program homes 1,329 0 958 68 2,510
Homes for seniors 21,881 0 16,947 1,337 43,522
Day care centers 7,296 3,030 2,329 3,137 33,893
Day service centers 3,763 0 208 1,057 8,152
Asylums 3,802 0 2,353 2,150 12,934
Total 74,839 6,456 47,370 29,837 282,296
Service type MPS V* 2006 Another state admin. 2006 User 2006 Vysočina Region 2006 Budget 2006
Municipal DDs 0 38,527 41,207 5,500 119,161
Total 0 38,527 41,207 5,500 119,161
Service type MPS V* 2006 Another state admin. 2006 User 2006 Vysočina Region 2006 Budget 2006
Total 74,839 44,984 88,577 35,337 401,458

MPSV* – Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
Municipal DDs – Municipal Retirement Homes