What actually is regional development? The Region’s basic development priorities are specified in the Chapter on Vysočina Region’s Development Programs. Specifically, the main priorities are: economic development, human resources, infrastructure, and the environment.
This basic information does not have much reporting value to the average citizen.
On the other hand, to put it in plain terms, it reflects efforts on the part of politicians and regional officials to make life in Vysočina as good as possible. “This is as it should be,” the citizen might add quite rightfully, “after all, you are paid from our taxes.”
The objective of our endeavor is not merely to generate documents, concepts, programs, and projects per se – although they are the very means of streamlining our energy into areas that help our Region, towns, and municipalities. By extension, they will help their inhabitants live in a pleasant environment and find work that matches their qualifications. Moreover, they help them find places suitable for relaxation and entertainment in their leisure time, or satisfaction of their spiritual needs.
This is the reason for our endeavors, whether in the form of furthering development of continuing education or supporting our scientific technology center, information technology, or exploiting our tourism potential. Through support for research and innovation, we aim to become more than a mere workshop, rather, we want to become the country’s think tank, so that qualified and educated people – motivated by opportunities for self-actualization – would be encouraged to stay or move here.
On the other hand, we need to keep our villages alive and support their development and create job opportunities in them. After all, activities in agriculture and forestry not only keep the employment rate low, but also help maintain the character of the countryside that is so attractive to visitors and tourists.
Let us extend our gratitude to all the regional development personnel for their pursuit of a better future for our Region.
Marie Černá
Regional Vice-President responsible for Regional Development