In addition to competitions organized by the Ministry, the Region supported a number of events in which the Ministry was not involved. In 2006, the Region granted financial support to 36 organizers of regional or national competitions and special events for children and youths; the total amount of this support reached CZK 600,000. Examples include: the Pre-medical First Aid Competition, The Plumbing Apprentice, The Machinist of the Year, The Jihlava Nightingale, The Apprentices’ Wall, Children’s Choir Show, the Know-It-All regional knowledge contest, the Green Path – Golden Leaf, the national finals of Sedmikvítek, the Environmental Olympics, the Open Contest in Sokol Well-roundedness, regional competition in athletics, and other. The subsidy recipients were 15 secondary schools, 15 organizers from non-profit organizations, 7 DDMs (Centers for Children and Youths), and 1 ZUŠ (Elementary Art School).
The Region demonstrated its interest in gifted primary and secondary school students in Vysočina, from the 5th grade of primary school and from the 4th grade of secondary school upwards (including students of classical lyceums or gymnasiums), who prove to have extraordinary and consistent achievements in certain subjects and work on their talent systematically. These students qualify for the Vysočina Scholarship. Of the 86 recommendations for the Vysočina Talent 2006 Award, the commission nominated a total of 41 primary and secondary-level students, of which nine received a 10-month scholarship (total amount of CZK 130,000) and 32 received a lump-sum scholarship (total amount of CZK 51,000). The students who were granted a 10-month scholarship received regular payments of CZK 1,000 or 2,000 from September 2006 until June 2007. These students have simultaneously been honored as Vysočina Talent 2006 in the relevant subject for which they were nominated.