153rd Rescue Battalion Jindřichův Hradec
Customs Directorate Brno
ČEPRO, a. s., Šlapanov Center
České dráhy, a. s. (Czech Railways)
Český červený kříž (Czech Red Cross), Jihlava Regional Society
Český červený kříž (Czech Red Cross), Pelhřimov District Society
ČEZ, a. s. – HZSp JE Dukovany (Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant’s Firemen)
ČIŽP OI Havlíčkův Brod
DIAMO, s. p., Stráž pod Ralskem
E.ON Česká republika, a. s.
Hasičská záchranná služba (Czech Railway Firemen’s Rescue Services)
ICOM transport, a. s., Jihlava
Regional Veterinary Administration for the Vysočina Region
Jihlava City Police
Pretol HB, s. r. o.
TRADO-BUS, s. r. o., Třebíč
Vodní záchranná služba ČČK Třebíč (Water Rescue Services)
In October 2006, the second year of large-scale tactical exercises of the Vysočina Region’s IZS units took place, entitled “Horizont 2006”. This year’s theme was crash of an air carrier with passengers on board during attempted emergency landing. The exercise took place at the Jihlava-Henčov Airport, and the objective was to test the IZS procedures and tactics during joint rescue intervention and liquidation, to check the communication links amongst the IZS units, and to identify the scope and level of cooperation of the participating IZS units.