Basic Information about the Region |
What is a Region? |
A local community of citizens with the right to
local government, directly ensured for it by the Constitution of the Czech
Republic |
It has legal personality – it is an incorporated
public body |
It can establish State-funded organisations,
organisational elements, and legal persons |
It can issue legal regulations in matters where
it is authorised by the law |
It may use its own symbols – coat of arms, flag,
and seal |
Regions in the Czech Republic |
City of Prague |
Central Bohemia |
South Bohemia |
Pilsen |
Carlsbad |
Ústí nad Labem |
Liberec |
Administrative Division of the Czech Republic
According to Regions |
Basic Information
about the Vysočina Region |
Basic Information about the Vysočina Region |
Vysočina Regional Bodies 1/4 |
Vysočina Regional Bodies 2/4 |
Vysočina Regional Bodies 3/4 |
Vysočina Regional Bodies 4/4 |
The Budget of the Vysočina Region |
For What Does the Vysočina Region Pay? |
Characteristics of the Vysočina Region 1/5 |
Characteristics of the Vysočina Region 2/5 |
Characteristics of the Vysočina Region 3/5 |
Characteristics of the Vysočina Region 4/5 |
Characteristics of the Vysočina Region 5/5 |
Vysočina Regional Development |
Low level of business activity, as compared to
the Czech national average |
level of per capita GDP, as compared to other regions of the Czech
Republic; on the other hand, the region has one of the most significant
growth rates of per capita GDP! |
infrastructure for innovative enterprise |
number of industrial zones and brownfields |
98 brownfields with an area of 1 hectare and more |
analyses identified 9 of the most attractive ones (next slide): |
Clear ownership relations |
Assessed ecological burdens |
Assessment of the condition and capacity of
technical infrastructure |
Clear investment plan |
and Research Incubator |
Network of 7 business incubators in the Třebíč
area |
Financed under CBC Phare |
Support for the establishment of “One Stop Shops”
for entrepreneurs (services at one location) |
Project financed under the Interreg III C
Programme |
and Technology Park Jihlava |
Project prepared for the 2007–2013 programming
period |
Support for innovative enterprise in a business
incubator, technology park, and technology transfer centre |